Welcome to Cafetoday - A Private Community Making a Difference!

Cafetoday is an exclusive, social network designed to provide a secure and private space for individuals who value their online privacy. We prioritize meaningful connections, respect user data ownership, and actively contribute to important causes. Here’s what makes us unique:
Uncompromised Privacy

We understand the importance of privacy in today's digital world. Cafetoday places the utmost importance on protecting your personal information. Our robust security measures and strict privacy policies ensure that your data remains confidential. We never sell or share your data with third parties.

Ad-Free Experience

Cafetoday is committed to providing an ad-free environment. We believe that your social networking experience should be free from distractions and invasive advertisements. Our focus is solely on facilitating authentic connections and fostering a positive, enjoyable community atmosphere.

Data Ownership and Control

You own your data at Cafetoday. We firmly believe that you should have complete control over the information you share. Our platform empowers you to manage your data and decide how it is used. You can delete your account and associated data at any time, no questions asked.

Making a Difference Supporting Missionaries and MInistries

Giving back is a fundamental part of our mission. Cafetoday is dedicated to making a positive impact on the world. We proudly donate 50% of our proceeds to missionaries and ministries that are committed to improving lives, sharing the gospel and spreading compassion around the globe. By joining our community, you are not only connecting with the ‘people you want to know’ but also directly contributing to important causes that align with our values and make a difference in people’s lives.


Cafetoday Features

Chat & Messages


Create and Share your Posts

Share your thoughts and ideas with your friends in just a few clicks. Whether it’s photos, a video, Audios or Documents just a simple text post, you can easily express yourself and connect with your community.

Social Activity Reactions and Animated Gifs

You can add reactions to posts, including a Pray emoji! In addition, you have access to post animated Gifs in your posts and in comments.

Real-Time Notifications

Enables you to stay connected with tyour friends by sending real-time notifications to their mobile devices.

Create Groups and Invite Friends

Create groups with friends: Collaborate and connect more closely with your friends by creating private groups where you can share updates, engage in discussions, and plan activities together, fostering a sense of camaraderie and shared interests.

You will be able to easily invite your friends to join your groups, helping to expand your network and enhance collaboration. With just a few clicks, you can invite multiple people to join your group and start sharing information and ideas in real-time.

Upload Story & Highlight Feature

Stories highlights is a part of your profile where you can express more of who you are through stories you’ve shared.

Light/Dark Mode

With support for both modes, users can reduce eye strain and enhance their viewing experience in low-light environments, making it easier to engage with their content.

Multiple Languages

With support for multiple languages, you can switch the website and app language to better communicate in your native language. We currently support 7 languages.
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“ aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus. “
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Denver Mark

Digital Marketing Manager

Kathryn Murphy

Creative Manager

Ralph Edwards

Development Manager

We Build Our Largest Community in

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour

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